Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Car pool Prayers

I would like to encourage each of you to make your morning drive with your kids a prayer time. I started this in August with the girls and it is something they look forward to each day. I let them each tell me what they want to pray for. It is a sweet start to our day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Preschool Volunteer Super Bowl Party

This past Sunday night many of the Preschool Volunteers gathered at my house for a time of fellowship. We had a great time. We have an amazing group of volunteers. I am thankful for everyone of these families. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Red Night

Don't forget Red Night is Friday night. This will be a fun filled event for the whole family. Come dressed in red. We will enjoy a menu of fun red food and play games. Please RSVP to me by Wednesday please.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Tonight at supper have each member of your family go around the table and name one thing they are thankful for. After everyone has had a turn pray and thank God for all His many blessing on your lives.
I would like to share today that I am thankful that our God is a God who still works miracles and hears our prayers.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mission Monday

Tonight let you little ones make down the beds of everyone in your house, As they do this have them pray for each person, them leave a special treat on their pillow such as candy or a homemade card.